・Innovation of the Year:iPad WiFi + 3GS
・Commuter Gadget of the Year:iPhone 3GS, iPod Nano, iPad 3G + WiFi
・Phone of the Year:iPhone 3GS
・Computer of the Year:Macbook Pro, iMac 21.5 inch, iPad 3G
・Music Gadget of the Year:iPod Touch 64GB
・Gaming Gadget of the Year:iPod Touch
・Retailer of the Year:Apple Store
・New Media Service of the Year:iTunes
・T3 Design Award:iPad
・Tech Brand of the Year:Apple
・Gadget of the Year:iPhone 3GS, iPad 3G
・Work Gadget of the Year:iPhone 3GS, MacBook Pro, iPad 3G
なお、2007年度の最優秀にiPhoneが選ばれ、2008年度にはiPod touchが選ばれています。