"4320.069" = "Are you sure you want to manually manage music on your iPhone? You will need to manually eject your iPhone before it can be disconnected safely.";
"4320.073" = "Enabling the iPhone for disk use requires manually ejecting the iPhone before each disconnect, even when automatically syncing music.";
"4320.075" = "The software required for communicating with the iPhone is not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes to install the iPhone’s software.";
"4320.082" = "The iPhone “^1” contains new voice memos. Would you like to move these voice memos to your iTunes library?";
"4320.084" = " Would you like iTunes to choose a selection of songs to sync to this iPhone?";
APPLE LINKAGEさんによると、既にこの文字列はバージョン7.3.2の時点で記述されていたそうです。